Sunday, October 31, 2021
Angular 12 select box with default value, required validator and state-city dependency
Angular 12 select box binding to an object list
In this sample the city field binds with CityList which is a list of objects consisting of id and names.
Required field validator is applied.
Angular 12 select box with a simple string list binding
Most Basic angular select box which binds to a list of strings. It has a "Choose" option and a required validator applied.
Sunday, October 24, 2021
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Basic Angular Reactive Form Validation with Validation messages
1. app.component.html
2. app.component.ts
1. maxLength validator put in ts file will not by itself restrict the input to max length. To restrict the input to maxlength, use the maxlength attribute in .html also, in addition to the one in .ts.
<input .... maxlength = "10" />
2. If you get "possible null value" error, do not forget to use the "?" operator.
How to check local and global angular versions
Use the command ng version (or ng v ) to find the version of Angular CLI in the current folder. Run it outside of the Angular project, to f...
Most of the google tutorials on keras do not show how to display a confusion matrix for the solution. A confusion matrix can throw a clear l...
This error means you have created the DbContext but not configured/added it to the project using either DI in startup.cs or by using DbCon...
This happens when you dont define primary key for an entity type. Define a primary key either explicitly or implicitly.