Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Surreal DB


Surreal DB does not start on alpine container, 

use ubuntu container instead 

1. Create an Ubuntu container 

docker run -d -p 17000:8000 --name ub_surreal ubuntu tail -f /dev/null

2. Exec the container  in it mode

docker exec -it -u 0 ub_surreal sh

3. Update apt  ( this is required to install curl)

apt update

This will take some time may be 2-3 mins because apt coming with container is bare minimum

4. Install curl


apt install curl

Press 'Y' when prompted 


curl -sSf | sh

This will install surreal db. 

6. Start surreal db

surreal start --log debug --user root --pass root memory

This will start surreal and keep it started. 

7. Open another command prompt and again open the same container with EXEC command: 

docker exec -it -u 0 ub_surreal sh

8. Now you can give the command and use surrealdb. 

For example you can give the following command: 

curl --request POST --header "Accept: application/json"    --header "NS: test" --header "DB:test" --user "root:root"  --data "INFO FOR DB;"  http://localhost:8000/sql

you should get a response like 

[{"time" : "47.432ms" , "status" : "OK" , "result" : { "d1" : {} , "dt" : {}, "sc" : {} , "tb" : {}}}]


Start Surreal using dockerfile

1. Execute the following dockerfile:




FROM ubuntu

RUN apt update 

RUN apt-get install -y  curl 

RUN curl -sSf | sh

CMD surreal start --log debug --user root --pass root memory


NOTE the use of  apt and apt-get : apt-get has more features than apt, 

i.e. apt is a stripped down vesrion of apt-get

2. Build the above docker file:

docker build  -t surreal-image . 

NOTE : image name must be all smalls.

3. Run it: 

docker run -p 17000:8000 -d --name surrealdb surreal-image

4. Execute it: 

docker exec -it -u 0 surrealdb sh

5. Execute the following command on shell: 

surreal sql -c http://localhost:8000

You will be presented with surreal sql prompt. ( >) 

>info for db <Enter>

[{"time" : "23.728ms" , "status" : "ERR" , "detail" : "Specify a namespace to use"}]

6. Now exit sql shell by pressing ctrl + C and enter the following command: 

surreal sql -c http://localhost:8000 --ns test --db test

>info for db

[{"time" : "50.292ms" , "status" : "OK" , "result" : { "d1" : {} , "dt" : {}, "sc" : {} , "tb" : {}}}]

> create account set name = 'test' , created_at = time::now()

> CREATE author:john SET name.first = 'John' ,  name.last = 'Adams' , name.full = string::join(' ', name.first, name.last) , age = 29, admin  = true,  signup_at = time::now();

> select * from author, account;

Misc Javascript points

 Nodejs can support multithreading through use of promises _ is the numeric separator for javascript, that means the numbers 10_000, 11.23_0...