Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Gold and Black gradient

<Grid Style="{StaticResource NavigationOuterGridStyle}" Margin="0,0,-82,0">
<Grid x:Name="NavigationGrid" Style="{StaticResource NavigationGridStyle}">
<Rectangle >
<LinearGradientBrush >
<GradientStop Offset="0.4" Color="Gold" ></GradientStop>
<GradientStop Offset="0.8" Color="Black" ></GradientStop>
<Border x:Name="BrandingBorder" Style="{StaticResource BrandingBorderStyle}">
<StackPanel x:Name="BrandingStackPanel" Style="{StaticResource BrandingStackPanelStyle}">
<TextBlock x:Name="ApplicationNameTextBlock" Style="{StaticResource ApplicationNameStyle}" Foreground="Black"
Text="{Binding ApplicationStrings.ApplicationName, Source={StaticResource ResourceWrapper}}"/>
<Border x:Name="LinksBorder" Style="{StaticResource LinksBorderStyle}">
<StackPanel x:Name="LinksStackPanel" Style="{StaticResource LinksStackPanelStyle}" Height="22" Width="74">
<Rectangle x:Name="Divider1" Style="{StaticResource DividerStyle}"/>

<HyperlinkButton x:Name="Link1" Style="{StaticResource LinkStyle}" NavigateUri="/Home" TargetName="ContentFrame" Content="{Binding Path=ApplicationStrings.HomePageTitle, Source={StaticResource ResourceWrapper}}" Margin="284,3,0,11" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Width="78" />
<HyperlinkButton x:Name="Link2" Style="{StaticResource LinkStyle}" NavigateUri="/About" TargetName="ContentFrame" Content="{Binding Path=ApplicationStrings.AboutPageTitle, Source={StaticResource ResourceWrapper}}" Margin="360,4,250,10" Width="78"/>
<Rectangle x:Name="Divider2" Style="{StaticResource DividerStyle}"/>
<HyperlinkButton x:Name="Link3" Style="{StaticResource LinkStyle}" Content="{Binding Path=ApplicationStrings.VehicleCurrentStatus, Source={StaticResource ResourceWrapper}}" Margin="505,3,62,0" Width="150" NavigateUri="/VehicleCurrentStatus" TargetName="ContentFrame"/>
<Border x:Name="loginContainer" Style="{StaticResource LoginContainerStyle}">

<!-- LoginStatus will be added here in code behind. This is required for the designer view to work -->
<LinearGradientBrush >
<GradientStop Offset="0.2" Color="Black" ></GradientStop>
<GradientStop Offset="0.8" Color="Gold" ></GradientStop>

Monday, April 18, 2011

Silverlight tutorial sites

http://silverlighttutorials.blogspot.com/ very basic

http://www.silverlightshow.net/  don't know what is this since the site is not opening right now ! It is giving the standard  asp.net  "Server Error in '/' Application."  error !

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Pivot Query


StaffIDNo, SurName,FirstName, FatherName,emailID ,SPOUSE ,LocalAddress,Designation,MobileSELF ,Mobilespouse,BloodGroup,CL,
DD,MM ,YY , Teacher , NonTeacherfrom ( --AAAAselect * from (select Row_number() OVER( order by F1) as rno1 ,F2 as 'StaffIDNo' from EMPLOYEEDATA$ where F1 = 'STAFF ID NO.') ajoin (select Row_number() OVER( order by F1) as rno2 ,F2 as 'SurName' from EMPLOYEEDATA$ where F1 = 'sur name') b on a.rno1 = b.rno2 join (select Row_number() OVER( order by F4) as rno3 ,F5 as 'FirstName' from EMPLOYEEDATA$ where F4 = 'First') c on b.rno2 = c.rno3 join (select Row_number() OVER( order by F1) as rno4 ,F2 as 'FatherName' from EMPLOYEEDATA$ where F1 = 'Fathers Name') d on c.rno3 = d.rno4 join (select Row_number() OVER( order by F4) as rno5 ,F5 as 'emailID' from EMPLOYEEDATA$ where F4 = 'e-mail ID') e on d.rno4 = e.rno5 join (select Row_number() OVER( order by F4) as rno6 ,F5 as 'SPOUSE' from EMPLOYEEDATA$ where F4 = 'SPOUSE') f on e.rno5 = f.rno6 join (select Row_number() OVER( order by F1) as rno7 ,F2 as 'LocalAddress' from EMPLOYEEDATA$ where F1 = 'Local Address') g on f.rno6 = g.rno7 join (select Row_number() OVER( order by F1) as rno8 ,F2 as 'Designation' from EMPLOYEEDATA$ where F1 = 'Designation') h on g.rno7 = h.rno8 join (select Row_number() OVER( order by F1) as rno9 ,F2 as 'MobileSELF' from EMPLOYEEDATA$ where F1 = 'Mobile (SELF)') i on h.rno8 = i.rno9 join (select Row_number() OVER( order by F1) as rno10 ,F2 as 'Mobilespouse' from EMPLOYEEDATA$ where F1 = 'Mobile (spouse)') j on i.rno9 = j.rno10 join (select Row_number() OVER( order by F3) as rno11 ,F4 as 'BloodGroup' from EMPLOYEEDATA$ where F3 = 'Blood Group') k on j.rno10 = k.rno11 join (select Row_number() OVER( order by F5) as rno12 ,F6 as 'CL' from EMPLOYEEDATA$ where F5 = 'CL-') l on k.rno11 = l.rno12 join (select Row_number() OVER( order by F4) as rno13 ,F5 as 'DD' from EMPLOYEEDATA$ where F4 = 'DD:') m on l.rno12 = m.rno13 join (select Row_number() OVER( order by F6) as rno14 ,F7 as 'MM' from EMPLOYEEDATA$ where F6 = 'MM:') n on m.rno13 = n.rno14 join (select Row_number() OVER( order by F8) as rno15 ,F9 as 'YY' from EMPLOYEEDATA$ where F8 = 'YY:') o on n.rno14 = o.rno15 join (select Row_number() OVER( order by F6) as rno16 ,case when F7 = '?' then 'Y' else F7 end as 'Teacher' from EMPLOYEEDATA$ where F6 = 'Teacher') p on o.rno15 = p.rno16 join (select Row_number() OVER( order by F8) as rno17 ,case when F9 = '?' then 'Y' else F9 end as 'NonTeacher' from EMPLOYEEDATA$ where F8 = 'Non-Teacher') q on p.rno16 = q.rno17 ) A -- order by firstname , surname -- AAAA

StaffIDNo, SurName,FirstName, FatherName,emailID ,SPOUSE ,LocalAddress,Designation,MobileSELF ,Mobilespouse,BloodGroup,CL,DD,MM ,YY , Teacher , NonTeacherfrom ( --AAAAselect * from (select Row_number() OVER( order by F1) as rno1 ,F2 as 'StaffIDNo' from EMPLOYEEDATA$ where F1 = 'STAFF ID NO.') ajoin (select Row_number() OVER( order by F1) as rno2 ,F2 as 'SurName' from EMPLOYEEDATA$ where F1 = 'sur name') b on a.rno1 = b.rno2 join (select Row_number() OVER( order by F4) as rno3 ,F5 as 'FirstName' from EMPLOYEEDATA$ where F4 = 'First') c on b.rno2 = c.rno3 join (select Row_number() OVER( order by F1) as rno4 ,F2 as 'FatherName' from EMPLOYEEDATA$ where F1 = 'Fathers Name') d on c.rno3 = d.rno4 join (select Row_number() OVER( order by F4) as rno5 ,F5 as 'emailID' from EMPLOYEEDATA$ where F4 = 'e-mail ID') e on d.rno4 = e.rno5 join (select Row_number() OVER( order by F4) as rno6 ,F5 as 'SPOUSE' from EMPLOYEEDATA$ where F4 = 'SPOUSE') f on e.rno5 = f.rno6 join (select Row_number() OVER( order by F1) as rno7 ,F2 as 'LocalAddress' from EMPLOYEEDATA$ where F1 = 'Local Address') g on f.rno6 = g.rno7 join (select Row_number() OVER( order by F1) as rno8 ,F2 as 'Designation' from EMPLOYEEDATA$ where F1 = 'Designation') h on g.rno7 = h.rno8 join (select Row_number() OVER( order by F1) as rno9 ,F2 as 'MobileSELF' from EMPLOYEEDATA$ where F1 = 'Mobile (SELF)') i on h.rno8 = i.rno9 join (select Row_number() OVER( order by F1) as rno10 ,F2 as 'Mobilespouse' from EMPLOYEEDATA$ where F1 = 'Mobile (spouse)') j on i.rno9 = j.rno10 join (select Row_number() OVER( order by F3) as rno11 ,F4 as 'BloodGroup' from EMPLOYEEDATA$ where F3 = 'Blood Group') k on j.rno10 = k.rno11 join (select Row_number() OVER( order by F5) as rno12 ,F6 as 'CL' from EMPLOYEEDATA$ where F5 = 'CL-') l on k.rno11 = l.rno12 join (select Row_number() OVER( order by F4) as rno13 ,F5 as 'DD' from EMPLOYEEDATA$ where F4 = 'DD:') m on l.rno12 = m.rno13 join (select Row_number() OVER( order by F6) as rno14 ,F7 as 'MM' from EMPLOYEEDATA$ where F6 = 'MM:') n on m.rno13 = n.rno14 join (select Row_number() OVER( order by F8) as rno15 ,F9 as 'YY' from EMPLOYEEDATA$ where F8 = 'YY:') o on n.rno14 = o.rno15 join (select Row_number() OVER( order by F6) as rno16 ,case when F7 = '?' then 'Y' else F7 end as 'Teacher' from EMPLOYEEDATA$ where F6 = 'Teacher') p on o.rno15 = p.rno16 join (select Row_number() OVER( order by F8) as rno17 ,case when F9 = '?' then 'Y' else F9 end as 'NonTeacher' from EMPLOYEEDATA$ where F8 = 'Non-Teacher') q on p.rno16 = q.rno17 )

A -- order by firstname , surname -- AAAA

Misc Javascript points

 Nodejs can support multithreading through use of promises _ is the numeric separator for javascript, that means the numbers 10_000, 11.23_0...